My continuation in part patent application on Ballistic Breakers will be allowed. Claims 1-19 are allowed as submitted; there is a technical issue with claim 20 that can easily be overcome. This is the second time in a month that I have had very good news on the patent front. My US patent application on elpipes will also be granted soon, based on USPTO actions.
This is extremely good news, and shows my strategy to have been reasonable. If I had a lot of money, I would have been much more in stealth mode. I did it this way because I had to talk about my ideas in order to find investors, and that meant filing patent applications so I could speak about my inventions. I have now found an investor who is interested in backing both Electric Pipeline Corporation and Ballistic Breaker Corporation, and he never would have found me if not for my strategy.
An economical and reliable DC circuit breaker for DC voltage > 3.5kV is not commercially available today. The lack of such a breaker has been inhibiting the development of DC power distribution in factories (especially processing plants with many variable speed motors); for microgrids (including on ships, oil platforms, and wind farms), and for multiterminal HVDC power transmission, as in the supergrid.